Memorial Day 2017

memorial benchToday is the day that the United States honors those who died in active military service. My father was in the Air Force for 31 years, so we were taught to appreciate the sacrifice that these brave men and women made for our country.

I do not want to minimize the true meaning of Memorial Day, but today I’ve been thinking of my sweet hubby, Dave. He wasn’t in the US military and he didn’t die in combat, but he definitely was in God’s army and he died actively serving his Lord. There was no other way he would have wanted to die. Thank you, Jesus, for his time here on earth, and that I was privileged to share part of it!

And thank you to the dear friend who made this beautiful hugging bench to surround Dave’s memorial oak tree which is planted on our church’s picnic property. A hugging bench is appropriate because Dave was well known for the bear hugs that he would give to every person who stepped through the doors of our church. Now I give big “Bap” hugs to my two granddaughters and they love it! (“Bap” was Hazel’s name for her grandpa when she was only 1-1/2 years old.)