2007 Christmas ornaments

2007 Christmas ornaments
2007 Christmas ornaments
It seems like the momentous changes come quicker and quicker as your kids become adults!

This year both girls graduated from college. The ornament for DD#1 reflects her time away at college. There were some bittersweet moments, but she appreciated her time there and the beauty of her surroundings. Being somewhat whimsical, there was one part of campus that always reminded her of Narnia and one place in particular that reminded her of Lantern Waste. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you’ll have to read The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Anyway, for her ornament this year I made a lantern for her. It began with one of those battery operated “candles” that you put in windows, and I made the four-sided top out of cardboard. Everything was painted with a textured black paint.

This is also the year that DD#2 got married. We spent months and months planning the wedding, including making 800 crepe paper flowers like the ones on her ornament for the year. The flowers top a digital ornament which displays photos from their wedding.