Shh! Don’t tell Janome

On Monday I told you about the new light I installed on my Janome. What I never noticed until then is what a big shadow is cast by the lever for the needle threader. See that big square shadow to the left of the needle?

That big square was there the whole time, even before I installed the extra lighting. They didn’t really think through the placement of the lever because it is mounted underneath the only light that is on the sewing machine, and it is only offset by about 1/2″.

As I thought about it, I realized that my quilts sometimes got caught on that lever if I had them bunched up during free motion quilting. Hmmm…

Enter sweet hubby with a pair of hedge clippers or twig clippers, or whatever those heavy scissor things are called. Don’t tell Janome, but thirty seconds later and no more lever! Just a little ridge that I can easily catch with my fingernail if I ever want to lower the needle threader (which I never use anyway).

No more huge shadow! My perfect sewing machine set up is complete!

Thank you, sweet hubby.


3 responses to “Shh! Don’t tell Janome”

  1. Sharon Driver Avatar
    Sharon Driver

    Oh my – I never use that lever either… far it hasn’t been a big problem – just annoying…..hmmmm…..might need a little readjustment someday.

  2. Me alegra que hayas podido resolver tu problema de sombras. Yo sí utilizo el enhebrador de la máquina. Me parece un gran invento.

    (I’m glad you could solve your problem of shadows. I do use the machine threader. I think a great invention.)

  3. Ms Lottie Avatar
    Ms Lottie

    My bug bear is the little prong my machine has to attach a magnifying glass. It catches my wedding ring and almost rips my finger off. I might have to investigate whether I can do some similar reconstructive (should that be deconstructive?) surgery!