Sneak peak at my new shower curtain

No, I’m not reupholstering my couch. Since I’m procrastinating at getting a bunch of paperwork done, I thought I’d give you a sneak peak at part of the future shower curtain that I’m working on for the guest bathroom. (Aren’t you proud of me? I used other colors in addition to blue!)

I’ve been playing with this in my spare time for the last few days. It’s made from a couple of jelly rolls that I had squirreled away. I wanted something super easy that required minimal amount of pre-planning. I’ll do a mini tutorial for it when I’m through.

I haven’t decided yet if I want the panels to go horizontally, like the picture above, or vertically. There will be seven panels when I’m through. Originally, I was thinking they would be vertical. It seems like my brain processes color progressions more easily when they are vertical, but I will probably pin it up both ways before I decide.


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