Month: June 2013

  • Push-up 2 completed!

    Push-up 2 completed!

    I’ve been quiet this week because I’m trying to stay away from my computer and stay focused on sewing my new composition. I decided to play with tonal progressions a little more. Here was my basic thought process as Push-up #2 progressed. (Forgive the poor quality of the image. I just did some quick digital…

  • 2013 National Quilting Association Show

    2013 National Quilting Association Show

    I got the exciting news today that Windblown won a ribbon at the 2013 National Quilting Association Show. She won a second place in the pictorial category! The show runs from June 27 through 29.

  • Push-up 1 finalized

    Push-up 1 finalized

    Yesterday I wrote about considering the same composition rotated in different directions. There were some very nice, thoughtful comments. Thank you to everyone who took time to weigh in on the options. I happened to be reading Color Studies (Second Edition) by Edith Anderson Feisner just this morning when I ran across a discussion on…

  • Push-up 1 rotated

    Push-up 1 rotated

    One of the aspects of experimentation I often forget is to try to keep an open mind all the way to the end and beyond. I often start with a general idea at the beginning and it is difficult to move beyond that. With this piece, for instance, the whole time I was sewing it…

  • First push-up complete

    First push-up complete

    In my interview with Lisa Chin, I touched on my idea of “push-ups” for artists. Briefly, it is based on the idea that an athlete strengthens himself many different ways that are not directly related to their particular sport. For instance, he may never compete at push-ups, but he does them regularly because he knows…

  • Mobile studio

    Mobile studio

    Sweet hubby surprised me this week by suggesting we take a little creative retreat for a couple of days. He removed the dining table from the RV that my Dad gave us, and he put my portable sewing table in its place. It fit perfectly! Of course, that meant we had to eat our meals…

  • Something about nothing: the blog tour continues

    Something about nothing: the blog tour continues

    Have you been following the blog tour for Art Quilt Portfolio: People and Portraits? Well, today is Lisa Chin’s turn, and she has a really nice interview with me on her blog today, I hope you’ll hop on over to Something About Nothing to take a look. Plus, you have another chance to win this…

  • Work-at-home ethics, part 2

    Work-at-home ethics, part 2

    I was talking to DD#1 about the idea of artists doing “push-ups.” That’s the way I think of the process of exploring an idea without expecting to create a masterpiece. It is a relaxed approach. It’s low risk. I don’t worry about failure. I just try to enjoy the process. I try to keep my…

  • Good work-at-home ethics

    Good work-at-home ethics

    The last couple of weeks, I’ve been trying to teach myself good work-at-home ethics. I’ve been using this quilt as my learning tool. Part of its purpose is to explore tonal gradations. The other part is to train myself to stay on task. I need to learn good work-at-home ethics because I’m becoming more ADD…

  • Winner of Art Quilt Portfolio: People & Portraits

    Winner of Art Quilt Portfolio: People & Portraits

    We have a winner! Peggy Ellis, you are Number 19! Congratulations!!! You win a copy of Art Quilt Portfolio: People & Portraits. Please email me your snail mail address and Lark will be mailing you a copy of this fabulous book.