Month: September 2018

  • Room of Requirement Day 6

    Room of Requirement Day 6

    I’m tired, and I’m claiming victory! I think I have pretty much everything packed into boxes and ready to be stored away. This process took somewhat longer than I expected! I definitely forgot that I had some of that stuff. I’m thankful for my son-in-law, Eric, who has been storing this all away in his…

  • Room of Requirement Day 5

    Room of Requirement Day 5

    I had a few busy days since my last post. I might have been in the studio for a short time, but nothing worth writing about. Today I had a couple hours so I went in. Two year old Aliza was fast on my heels. Four year old Hazel wandered in after a bit. Aliza…

  • Room of Requirement Day 4

    Room of Requirement Day 4

    On Day 4 (counting only the days I can actually work in there) of packing up my studio, I wasn’t able to get in there until late in the afternoon, and my sweet 2-year-old granddaughter wanted to help! Who was I to say no? I decided an “easy” task would be to pack up the…

  • Room of Requirement Day 3

    Room of Requirement Day 3

    Today’s been a good day. I was able to get quite a bit done before lunch, take a break, and then continue in the afternoon. I know I’m making progress, but it’s a little scary to see all this stuff pile up and know that I still have a ways to go! Oh, my! How…

  • Day 2, part 2

    Day 2, part 2

    I spent a couple hours packing after dinner tonight and got my beloved microscope cabinet packed! Off to bed now.

  • Room of Requirement  Day 2

    Room of Requirement Day 2

    Today was Day 2 of me working in the Room of Requirement. Wednesdays and Thursdays are typically too busy for me to do anything extra so they don’t count, but today I got in my studio after lunch and got to work. I cleared out two cabinets, which somehow doesn’t seem like a lot, but…

  • Room of Requirement Day 1

    Room of Requirement Day 1

    Last night I had just an hour or two to get started on tackling the Room of Requirement. I was able clear away enough stuff that I could actually step foot in the room! Woohoo! I felt that was a great accomplishment. Then I got overwhelmed and went on an adventure instead! This year DD#2,…

  • Room of Requirement – it begins

    Room of Requirement – it begins

    I’ve been procrastinating! But I thought if I confessed in front of everyone, maybe it would motivate me to get started on a big project! I need someone to hold me accountable. In the nearly three years since Sweet Hubby went to heaven, I’ve done virtually no quilting. I haven’t really even stepped foot into…