Category: Experimental

  • Push-up #5: Getting closer

    Push-up #5: Getting closer

    I’m getting a little closer. When I last posted about this quilt on September 8, I had big plans of working long hours this week. In the end, I had about an hour or so each day to work on this since Monday. With each strip I add, I put the entire thing back up…

  • Push-up #5: Partial progress

    Push-up #5: Partial progress

    Sometimes it helps to make a public commitment! After I finished putting myself on the spot in my post yesterday, I promptly went into my studio and sliced a couple chunks off of one of the pieced strips. I pieced several of them together with black strips between each one. (I love how vibrant colors…

  • Push-up #5: Pushing forward

    Push-up #5: Pushing forward

    So these sections of pieced strips have been hanging on my design wall for a couple weeks now, mocking me, taunting me, begging me to get my head in gear and cut them to pieces. I ignored them this morning while I did a multitude of other small tasks, but no longer. I am announcing…

  • Push-up #3: WIP

    Push-up #3: WIP

    Stacy made a comment today and said she wished I had included work in progress photos of Push-up #3: Requisite Red. I totally forgot to include those! But I did take a few, so I thought I’d share them now. In this first picture you can see how I slapped my little Log Cabin seedlings…

  • Push-up 4: Untitled at present

    Push-up 4: Untitled at present

    Saturday was a wonderful day because I had a good number of hours to work uninterrupted. Choosing the colors and stitching the strips are not tasks that are too difficult. My problem comes with the next stage: figuring out what to do with those strips. I pushed them around on my design wall for quite…

  • Where to go next?

    Where to go next?

    With a bow to you red-lovers (you know who you are, Sharon!), after Push-up #3 I was ready to move to some colors I was a bit more comfortable with, without defaulting to blue, of course. I saw a cool photo of a weathered, wooden fence that had turned beautiful shades of gray, and along…

  • Push-up 3: Requisite Red

    Push-up 3: Requisite Red

    July was a bust for me as far as getting much quilting done, but I’ve been diligently working on my next “push-up” for the last week or so. I’m a couple days late on my self-imposed deadline, but I’m finally done with Push-Up #3. I was a bit mystified about where to begin with this…

  • Cabin Window accepted

    Cabin Window accepted

    I opened up my email today and was completely surprised by an acceptance letter! It may sound funny, I suppose, but I sort of forgot that I submitted Cabin Window for consideration for the 2013 IQA show in Houston. How could I forget that? Well, I haven’t really made any “real” quilts this last year…

  • Push-up 2 completed!

    Push-up 2 completed!

    I’ve been quiet this week because I’m trying to stay away from my computer and stay focused on sewing my new composition. I decided to play with tonal progressions a little more. Here was my basic thought process as Push-up #2 progressed. (Forgive the poor quality of the image. I just did some quick digital…

  • Push-up 1 finalized

    Push-up 1 finalized

    Yesterday I wrote about considering the same composition rotated in different directions. There were some very nice, thoughtful comments. Thank you to everyone who took time to weigh in on the options. I happened to be reading Color Studies (Second Edition) by Edith Anderson Feisner just this morning when I ran across a discussion on…