Watercolor class 5

Watercolor class 5I just got home from the fifth watercolor class. I suppose it’s wrong to call it a class. It’s more of a time of free painting with a bit of instructive comments and mild critique thrown in, although today Nita Leland did an hour long demo on painting trees. That was pretty interesting.

Anyway, I’ve been reading numerous watercolor books this past week and even got my hands on a couple of watercolor videos. I love it when people get really juicy colors that flow from one to another. I thought I’d try that today in the 45 minutes we had left for the workshop. The funny thing was that I was so intent on trying to get juicy colors in the skin and hair (somewhat less successfully than I hoped) that I forgot to paint the eyes and the mouth. I threw those in the last five minutes, right before it was time to leave.

I think I’ll spend some more time this week studying watercolor paintings, and maybe watch those videos again. I know I’m searching for something, I’m just not quite sure yet what it is.


One response to “Watercolor class 5”

  1. I’m impressed 🙂