Playful portraits

Playful portraitI’ve been toying with the idea of developing a new workshop for making playful portraits. I wanted work more improvisationally and using lots of bright, fun fabrics. I also wanted it to be minimal effort and require minimal supplies. On this little 10″ square portrait I didn’t even use fusible webbing. Instead, I just started cutting out the fabric directly, and then I used Lapel Stick to hold the pieces in place. When everything was secure, I machine appliqued and machine quilted it at the same time with a small, simple zigzag stitch. Quick, easy, and fun! I’m definitely going to make more of these!


4 responses to “Playful portraits”

  1. I have never been too interested in doing portraits, but love what you do. THIS little project looks like just the kind of fun thing that I could do and not be bothered by an unrealistic image! Great idea. Thanks.

  2. Sharon Driver Avatar
    Sharon Driver

    What a whimsical project….LOVE IT!!!!

  3. Love the hair fabric. Great idea! I really need to find the Lapel stick and give it a try.

  4. How cool…