Push-up #6 progress

Push-up #6 by Maria ElkinsOn Saturday, I had all day “just to quilt.” I had struggled with this piece on Friday, so I was not sure how I was going to proceed. What I actually ended up doing was write this blog post, unload the dishwasher, wash the dishes, organize the freezer, clean out the pantry, make a big pot of homemade soup, cook and shred 30 pounds of beef for lunch for the whole church on Sunday, plus I ate too many Fig Newtons and the rest of the Panda black licorice that I got for Christmas. Notice how good I am at avoidance? That’s because I practice regularly!

Despite all those other things I had to do, I did get to squeeze in quite a few hours at my sewing machine. I was pleased to make some definite progress. I was hoping to be finished before I went to bed, but I didn’t quite make it. Maybe I’ll be able to finish on Sunday.


One response to “Push-up #6 progress”

  1. Brenda Johnson Avatar
    Brenda Johnson

    This is looking fun and whimsical! Are you planning on adding any other colors? I could just see you getting out your inks and painting in some interesting accents to make an analogous or complimentary color scheme. I like it how it is too! (And boy, the avoidance sounds like a day at my house…except for the part that you actually got to what you were planning to do!)