Month: April 2014

  • Finishing and blocking

    Finishing and blocking

    Today I finished quilting “Coloring Grandma’s Garden.” As with most quilts, you can see the edges were somewhat wavy by the time I was finished, and the quilt did not want to lay perfectly flat. This is one of the “good” areas, after I smoothed it out and tried to make it flat. Too bad…

  • Reviving Grandma’s Garden

    Reviving Grandma’s Garden

    I was looking at upcoming show deadlines and I realized I needed to take a break from my Push-up series and actually finish quilting something! So, I decided to revive a quilt that I began last year. It’s been quietly hibernating for nearly eleven months. It’s about time I finished it. I mostly just need…

  • Push-up #9: Improvisational Seminole Patchwork?

    Push-up #9: Improvisational Seminole Patchwork?



    I was looking through one of the first quilting books I ever purchased: Seminole Patchwork by Cheryl Greider Bradkin. This book is long out of print. It has a 1980 copyright, and the author came out with a new edition in the early 90’s, also out of print. The later version is in our public…