Month: October 2010

  • AQN Retreat Day 2

    AQN Retreat Day 2

    The second day of the Art Quilt Network retreat began with more members sharing the work they brought. There was so much to see! Ann Rebele showed two of her New Orleans series. She has made five so far, and one of them (not shown) has been accepted into this year’s Quilt National show. She…

  • AQN Retreat Day 1

    AQN Retreat Day 1

    I am part of the Art Quilt Network which was started about 25 years ago by Nancy Crow. They meet twice a year for a retreat, usually in Columbus, Ohio. Today was the first day of this year’s fall retreat and I was able to go. Yeah! I’m always in awe of these extremely talented…

  • Refurbished ironing board

    Refurbished ironing board

    My ironing board is complete! I was dressed and ready for church and had time to spare, so I decided I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to paint my ironing board! I know, I know, I was in my church clothes so I put on an apron first 🙂 Out came the spray paint,…

  • Tutorial: fun, new ironing board cover

    Tutorial: fun, new ironing board cover

    I finally got tired of my old ironing board cover and decided it needed to be replaced. It is probably ten years old. I think my (really, really) old ironing board must be an unusual size because the cover was never quite wide enough. Originally, it was teflon-coated, but that’s pretty much all worn off…

  • Re-Blocking Flight of Fancy

    Re-Blocking Flight of Fancy

    I just got notice yesterday that my quilt, Flight of Fancy, was accepted to be part of a traveling exhibit called Thread Tails and Vapor Trails. It is an exhibit of quilts with a Naval Aviation theme, and it should be traveling through the end of 2011. I’m pretty excited about the chance to get…