Magazine destashI lost 9″ today! Nine inches of magazines taking up shelf space. Okay, I admit that might not sound like much. But, that is 38 magazines that I paged through and got rid of. Some I gave to a family with three kids so they can cut them up. Some went into the trash. I have a stack of more magazines to go through in future nights while we watch TV.

Magazine destashI’m glad I spent the time to flip through each magazine before I threw them away. See the tiny stack on the right? That’s what I’m keeping. I found a few magazines that had published pictures of my quilts. Those magazines get put in the appropriate documentation folder that I keep for each quilt I make. I also tore out a few inspirational articles. All in all, maybe I kept 1/2″ of pages.

It feels good getting rid of stuff or using it up. Gotta do this more often!


4 responses to “I lost 9″!”

  1. Shelley C Avatar
    Shelley C

    Funny I did the same thing this past week. An elderly neighbor has decided to ship out all her quilty things, and has dropped several boxes of magazines on my doorstep. I began going through them and will pass them on to a beginner quilter I know….Paper has such a strong hold on us and often just becomes clutter. I will sort my ‘keepings’ into color ideas, techniques and info; and patterns….
    gotta get back to that pile….

    1. LOL! I lost another 8″ after I wrote that post — forty-seven more magazines are history!!!

  2. Whoa…don’t throw them away yet…bring them to guild. Magazines go like wild fire. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I have more ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope to bring stuff to the next two meetings.