Bowl Full of Blue

Bowl full of blue
Bowl full of blue
So I didn’t create any great art today, even after receiving a huge box full of inspiration the day before. Instead, I spent a lovely morning drinking coffee with my youngest daughter, listening to her talk, and keeping my hands busy by wrapping balls. It’s not much, but it made me smile, and it gave me something new to fill the blue bowl that sits on my coffee table. It’s about the only “seasonal” decorating I do. Every couple of months, I put something different in it. Sometimes it’s candles, sometimes Christmas ornaments. One time I filled it with mother-of-pearl buttons. The kids absolutely loved running their fingers through those. Kids also love it when I filled the bowl with loose angora fiber. So-o-o soft!

I go through periods where I do lots of quilting. Other times I do lots of reading. I’m in a reading cycle right now. I’ve been reading lots of craft blogs, too. I like to do simple, easy crafts sometimes, just so I can be a little creative without feeling pressured to create “Art.” During my blog reading, I ran across the idea of covering balls, either by wrapping or by gluing items to their surface.

Blue wrapped balls
Blue wrapped balls
You can see one ball that I glued pinto beans to the surface and then spray painted it blue, similar to the ones on Bayberry Creek Crafter. Another is wrapped with yarn like the ones on Factory Direct Crafts. Most are just wrapped with strips of fabric like the ones on Under The Table and Dreaming. And, there are a couple of balls of yarn thrown in just for fun.

After I was done, my daughter’s friend came over and asked my oldest daughter, “Why is your mom so cool?”

My daughter said, “Yes, she absorbs all of the coolness in a ten mile radius so there’s none left for the rest of us.

So, there you have it — I’m cool because I have bowl full of blue!


One response to “Bowl Full of Blue”

  1. Cool…Blue..10 miles(At least)…True!