Category: #5 Perseverance
Push-up Series so far
I wanted to look at all of the Push-up series at once, so I thought I would do a short blog on them. For those who are new to my blog, my idea of a “push-up” is taking the opportunity to explore an idea without expecting to create a masterpiece. It is a relaxed approach.…
Review of 2013
It’s nice to look back and reflect a bit, so here’s my short review of 2013. Thankfully it was a bit less eventful than 2012. There were several things I split my attention between. I spent quite a bit of time speaking and teaching at numerous quilt guilds across the country. Sweet hubby and I…
Push-up #5: Perseverance
Push-up #5 is complete! Finally! I’m calling Push-up #5 “Perseverance” because I kept having other things crop up that demanded my attention so I had to keep making new deadlines. I’m glad it’s finally done! Somehow I need to figure out a better way to balance all of my commitments so I can still have…
Push-up #5: Getting closer
I’m getting a little closer. When I last posted about this quilt on September 8, I had big plans of working long hours this week. In the end, I had about an hour or so each day to work on this since Monday. With each strip I add, I put the entire thing back up…
Push-up #5: Partial progress
Sometimes it helps to make a public commitment! After I finished putting myself on the spot in my post yesterday, I promptly went into my studio and sliced a couple chunks off of one of the pieced strips. I pieced several of them together with black strips between each one. (I love how vibrant colors…
Push-up #5: Pushing forward
So these sections of pieced strips have been hanging on my design wall for a couple weeks now, mocking me, taunting me, begging me to get my head in gear and cut them to pieces. I ignored them this morning while I did a multitude of other small tasks, but no longer. I am announcing…