Month: June 2011

  • Watercolor class 4

    Watercolor class 4

    Yesterday I had my fourth watercolor class. I was running late about 15 minutes late. I sketched out a quick portrait of DD#1 as soon as I got there, and ended up doing this in about an hour and a half. Watercolor definitely doesn’t behave like other paints I’ve used! They just don’t stay put.…

  • 30 years!

    30 years!

    Today is our 30th wedding anniversary! Simply amazing! I’m so thankful God brought us through. There were some really difficult years, but I can honestly say there is no one I’d rather spend time with than my sweet hubby. I genuinely look forward to the next thirty years with him and beyond. At our wedding…

  • Favorite tools: I love my library

    Favorite tools: I love my library

    This is what I’ve been doing yesterday and today. The books stacked up while I was feverishly working on “Windblown.” I realized I desperately needed to glean and weed when I went to the library yesterday to pick up more books and the self-serve check out computer said I had already reached my limit for…

  • Embrace 1

    Embrace 1

    I’ve been so busy working on “Windblown” that I haven’t said much about “Embrace 1” which is the other quilt I just finished. It is a interpretation of three woodblock prints that I did during college. I’ve always liked the sketch-like quality of the image, and I wanted to try to capture the same feeling…

  • Time for a break

    Time for a break

    As you might have noticed, I’ve been keeping pretty busy lately. This afternoon was the perfect time for a little break and a mini celebration. Off to Dairy Queen for a cappuccino heath blizzard. Mmmm… I did do some work today. I finished blocking the quilt and took some good pictures. I might try some…