Category: Family

  • More excitement in our family

    More excitement in our family

    This is increasingly looking like a year where quilting will be taking a supporting role, all for the right reasons. In addition to preparing to welcome a new grandchild (courtesy DD#2), I will now be immersed with wedding plans (courtesy DD#1) as well. Happily, my eldest got engaged this weekend, and we’re thrilled for her!…

  • I’m proud of my sweet hubby

    I’m proud of my sweet hubby

    I’m so very proud of my sweet hubby, I just had to brag about his amazing achievement! He has always enjoyed making up and telling fantasy stories to our two girls as they grew up. Several years ago, he felt inspired to write a fantasy adventure story based on the Bible verse, 1 Corinthians 6:3,…

  • I get to make a very special baby quilt!

    I get to make a very special baby quilt!

    I’m excited to announce that I get to make a very special baby quilt!!! DD#2 and her hubby just found out they are expecting their first child, which (more importantly) is our first grandchild! Good job, you two! 🙂 I’ve been not-so-secretly hoarding fun children’s fabrics for many years now. Since DD#2 loves children’s books,…

  • Exile and giveaway

    Exile and giveaway

    Exile. How sweet the word! Sweet hubby and I decided to exile ourselves this week. Away we flew in Dad’s RV, away to a nearby, not-to-be-disclosed location, away from phones, away from email, away from the rest of the world. We got to our destination, plugged in, and hunkered down. Yes, there was snow on…

  • George’s permanent home

    George’s permanent home

    Earlier this month, we set up George in the folding table that came with it. To my surprise, somehow my measurements were off and the table was 3″ too long for the space that was available. Because of that, when the table was set up, it was nearly impossible to freely move around in my…

  • Slow thaw

    Slow thaw

    I’ve been going through a slow thaw. Sweet hubby and I traveled to visit my dad last week. We stayed with my brother and sister-in-law who live in California. They’ve been caring for Dad the last few years. My other brother who lives in Japan came, along with his wife and daughter, and my sister…

  • Hubby’s portrait Christmas gifts

    Hubby’s portrait Christmas gifts

    I already told you that Sweet Hubby decided he needed to give my “Making Faces” technique a try. He wanted to make portraits for Christmas gifts to give to some friends who we’ve known for about twenty years. In his excitement, while we were in Colorado, he even bought his own fat quarters. Earlier this…

  • Merry Christmas to all!

    Merry Christmas to all!

    May your day be blessed and filled with memories!

  • DD#2 finished portrait gifts

    DD#2 finished portrait gifts

    I told you that DD#2 wanted make some portraits as Christmas gifts. I greedily encouraged that idea because it would mean she’d have to come to my house numerous times. 😉 I already showed you the little boy, which was first portrait she made. He’s the youngest of three siblings. Here are his two older…

  • Sweet hubby joins in the fun

    Sweet hubby joins in the fun

    Guess who else has joined in on the fun? Sweet hubby! He comes with me to my workshops, so he’s heard me teach it enough times. Now he’s giving it a try too! I’m really excited because I always tell people that anyone can do the “Making Faces” technique. You don’t need to be a…