Month: August 2011

  • Give away: pattern and Debbie Maddy workshop

    Give away: pattern and Debbie Maddy workshop

    Tuesday and Wednesday my guild had Debbie Maddy do two workshops and a trunk show. She brought seven suitcases full of quilts! Wow! I suspect every quilt I’ve ever made could have fit in juast one of those suitcases. Most of her patterns use her method for making diamonds with no “Y” seams. This lets…

  • Bethany Bits complete!

    Bethany Bits complete!

    “Bethany Bits” is complete. Or, should it be called “Bits of Bethany”? Or maybe something else? I haven’t really decided. What do you think? Maybe I’ll show it to DD#2 and ask her, too 🙂 Since this was really a spur-of-the-moment mini quilt (only 24″ square), I ended up using bits and pieces of things…

  • Over the edge no more

    Over the edge no more

    I’m loving our new reclining loveseat. So comfy! But with every change for the better, new opportunities for problem-solving are born. The old couch was pushed right up against my work table and it had a high back that went above the table top for a couple inches. As a result, I could push things…

  • Getting a quilt appraised

    Getting a quilt appraised

    Today DH and I took a little road trip so we could get “Windblown” appraised. Many quilters I know have never had their quilts appraised, but after more than twelve years of maintaining the Lost Quilt Come Home website, I am fully convinced of the necessity of doing this, especially for any quilt that will…

  • Bethany Bits

    Bethany Bits

    More procrastination. I’ve been ignoring deadlines, both real and self-imposed. Instead, I’ve been following rabbit trails. While looking for some gelatin prints that I did in college, I came across a stack of fabric from some of my printmaking classes. Some of it was leftovers of the fabrics that were printed to make my 2006…

  • Anniversary presents

    Anniversary presents

    In June we celebrated our 30th anniversary. Supposedly, 30th wedding anniversary gifts should be pearls or diamonds. Well, I’m really not interested in either of those. Instead, we decided to use some money my dad gave us, along with some savings, to purchase our first ever, brand-new couch! Yes, we’ve been married 30 years and…

  • Progress is being made

    Progress is being made

    Yes, progress is being made on my improvisational Cherrywood Fabrics quilt. I was able to pin baste my quilt this weekend and I’ve already begun quilting it! I probably won’t get to work on it today, but hopefully I will tomorrow.